Sunday, November 15, 2015

Member deletions are good news?

I know it may seem weird, but Shelly and I always get a little excited when we get a member deletion email. When we first started iHeart these emails made us sick. We were trying to build a community, we couldn't afford to lose anyone. But after getting a couple of them it became obvious. People delete their dating site accounts when they meet someone they are serious about.

Ultimately, we came to realize that our goal is for members to delete. If you run a dating site and nobody deletes, then your site isn't working. We started iHeart with the goal of bringing good people together, which would result in them leaving our community. I remember our first deletion was because the user had met someone, but not on iHeartVolunteers. We were happy for them, but we wanted the relationship to have started on our site. Well, we recently received the best member deletion possible. Check it out.

Good deletions...getting married!
Getting married deletion email!

As a new dating site this made us extremely proud. We look forward to many more!